Labrador Retriever Dog _Lab Information: health,care and eat

Know a Labrador dog?

 Labrador dogs are wonderful family pets and rescue dogs. They are adorable, friendly, smart, and good with children and other pets. Easy to train, easy to care for.

Labradors are medium-sized and powerful dogs. It is also a calm and good dog with swimming, very obedient. It is used at work for police and military aid and is excellent for the blind as a guide dog and eager to learn.

Labradors are not hybrid dogs. They come in different sizes depending on the size and characteristics of the parents. It can be black, brown, cream, gray, silver, white or yellow.

Supposed to be medium-sized, Labradors usually weigh between 50 and 85 pounds.

They can become obese if their rations are not adjusted because the extra weight is not good for their joints.

Labrador Retriever Dog _Lab Information:  health,care and  eat

Labrador dog health

The health of Labradors in general; As in all dogs they are susceptible to many diseases and health conditions, the most common of which in Labradors are:

  • Hip defect: Extremely painful is a defect in the hip joint in which the head of the femur usually does not fit into the socket of the hip.
  • Eye Diseases: The most common eye disease in Labrador is known as prcd-PRA.
  • joint paralysis
  • Ear infection problems
  • Skin problems
  • Heart disease and obesity

what labrador dog eat?

The majority of Labrador Retriever owners feed their dogs food purchased at pet stores.

Adult Labradors can eat some human foods such as meat, chicken, or any other high-quality dry food.

If you have a Labrador puppy in your house, feed himMix of chicken rice.

Labrador Retriever Dog _Lab Information:  health,care and  eat

how to care for dog labradors?

Care: Labrador breed should be groomed for grooming at least every week, with regular brushing every 5 to 10 weeks including ear cleaning, nail clipping ,and dental cleaning. It is important to make regular visits to the vet to help your dog live longer and stay healthier.

Exercises: The Labrador has grown up and adapted to challenging jobs. Labradors need to be trained very actively every day such as running, playing, and jumping.

Adults usually need 30-45 minutes of exercise per day, and early training is essential to get very strong dogs...

Dog training is not only healthy for the dog, but it is also healthy for the pet owner. Walking the dog can be a very enjoyable experience.

Walking, playing, and exercising help your Labrador burn off some of his energy. This breed is a workaholic.

They need a lot of training to ensure proper behavior and proper growth of this animal.

Training: Labradors are highly intelligent and usually easy to train. They like to please their owner so they listen to fewer repeated requests to comply with specific instructions. They make Labradors for good control.

Having a pet means taking care of it with food, shelter, and affection.

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